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Olivier S.E. Courtois
Oct 15, 20211 min read
What If the Key to Sustainable High Performance Was to Accept a Leadership Paradox?
I often meet leaders and their teams, and I observe a dichotomy. The leader's "power", his credibility, is based on his ability to ask...
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Olivier S.E. Courtois
Sep 10, 20212 min read
Talent Shortage and Inclusive Leadership
Talent shortage is a global trend, which was on the agenda of the Davos 2020 summit, and is holding back companies' growth today. I had...
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Olivier S.E. Courtois
Sep 10, 20212 min read
Pénurie de talents et leadership inclusif
La pénurie de talents est une tendance mondiale, qui était à l'ordre du jour du sommet de Davos 2020, et qui freine aujourd'hui la...
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Olivier S.E. Courtois
Aug 27, 20211 min read
Lever le pied? Un must!
Quand on veut comprendre une ville, on ne lit pas les rapports officiels, on parle aux chauffeurs de taxi ! L'autre jour, j'ai entendu...
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Olivier S.E. Courtois
Aug 27, 20211 min read
Time-Outs Are Essential!
When you want to understand a city you don't read the official reports, you talk to the cab drivers! The other day I heard this remark...
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Olivier S.E. Courtois
Aug 22, 20211 min read
ICP essentiels: les 2 P
Si je devais simplifier les indicateurs de performance d'un leader, j'utiliserais la formule des 2 Ps. En effet, les leaders ont deux...
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